Preparing for the Fourth Trimester

flower fields - Preparing for the Fourth Trimester

Fortunately, there are a growing number of resources available for mothers and new families around preparing for the 4th trimester and centering a mother’s healing journey during those first months postpartum. I’ve written two other articles on postpartum healing and why it’s such a crucial time to rest and get support. I’ll include those in the resources section of this post and I encourage you to read those if you’re uncertain as to why this is important in the first place.

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Yoni Care and Healing Vaginal Tears After Birth

Woman with flowers in crotch - Yoni Care and Healing Vaginal Tears After Birth

Besides the fact that I obviously have a vested personal interest in this topic, it’s also something that women ask me about often or it comes up during a mapping session after having a baby. While this post is geared towards vaginal birth, there is also something here for cesarean birth mamas. It’s often pregnancy itself that causes internal shifts and changes in pelvic health and genital configuration. So even if a baby didn’t pass through the vaginal canal, there is still great benefit to be had in implementing some of these practices. Let’s get started…

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Pleasure and Nervous System Regulation for Increasing Fertility

rose pedals - Pleasure and Nervous System Regulation for Increasing Fertility

When it comes to the fertility conversation, where my interest really lies is in embodied fertility, re-wilding fertility so to speak, so that you can use it as you’d like and experience it day to day regardless of what medical diagnosis you might have or if you even want children. Fertility is power, and yes creating a baby is powerful, but this power can be wielded in many ways.

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